Who is the trademark owner of the registration. Trademark registration constitutes legal basis. The fact that a name has been in use for years is not very binding in terms of protecting the brand. Trademark registration is handled in various dimensions. It should be registered separately in domestic and foreign fields so that a global brand can be created. In addition, the registration process is not protected at once.
Trademark registration protects our brand and prevents it from being used by others. If our trademark is not registered, it would be lost if it is registered by others. We may be exposed to legal cases. Our organization loses reputation and we suffer economic damage. We can be unfair while right. Trademark registration is the lock of the brand. No matter how safe we are without locking our safe, warehouse, building, etc., our brand is safe with unregistered brand.
Companies and products gain a value with the perception of quality and trust in the target audience with the registered trademark. Trademark registration is also a source of reputation for the organization. In other words, when a brand is registered, it both assures itself and gives confidence to its stakeholders. Two-way positive contribution.
According to the standards of TPI, it is envisaged to register in 45 different classes. Within each class there are specific working areas and sectors. In which classes your brand is registered, your brand is protected only in those areas of activity. You cannot claim other areas.
For example, in the 36th Class, insurance services, financial and monetary services, real estate brokerage and customs consultancy services are registered with a registration process. If others register the same brand in the other class, we cannot interfere with that brand in other classes. In which fields we have registered, we have protected our brand in those areas.
Trademark registration is done for 10 years. As the term expires, registration must be renewed every three years. If we consider the registration process in all its dimensions, its duration, class (s), domestic or international registration constitute our domain of our brand.
A patent is an industrial property right granted to the inventor by the state for an invention. The patent gives the right to prevent others from making, using or selling the invention for a period of time without the permission of the owner.
In a sense, it is an arrangement that regulates the production, import and export law of an invention and determines the right holder (s). It is organized by TPI in Turkey. In other countries, there are also related organizations that regulate the right of patent.
In order for a product to be produced and marketed in the domestic and international markets, it should be determined whether the products contain one of the industrial property rights such as patent, utility model, industrial design and trademark.
Patent registration is essential for a product that has industrial characteristics to be marketed in domestic and international areas without any problems. With patent registration, you get the right of production and trade. You also provide legal basis.